The Happiness Box

I planned this for a long time, thought it would always a good idea to give back a little.

I like to help people, but I only repair phones.

I like to help more people, if you are happy with my service, and would like to give a little, here is the donation box.

Money donated will be deposited into it’s own account, it will be donated to kids, but not to any of the charities, as they have a high running cost.



Most of my services are best priced in New Zealand, it is because I want to make you happy.

Some of my services are free, it is because I want to help you, to make you happy.

There are people in the country have problems that cannot be fixed, but they can be happy.

The money in this box will be used to help people, mostly kids, to make them happy.

Your kindness and help are ensured to make some kids very happy.

Happy kids are happy future.